Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Great Horned Owls

These photos were stored in a draft.  Looks like I started this at one point and never got back to it after I loaded the photos.  These are probably from 2011.  Great Horned Owl babies at a local park.

The last photo shows the parent owl at the nest spot.  This was the first and only time I have seen a parent at the tree in the 3 years I've been watching this family.

It's amazing and fascinating to see them grow up and leave the nest.  Exciting too because the babies have no fear of you.  They sit on the limb and stare back all the while I am clicking photos.  These photos were before the babies were limb walking.  I have some shots not yet posted of that.  Plus should have pictures of the 2012 and 2013 families.  More for another day perhaps.

Return to Blogging

I cannot believe it has been so long since I posted.  Other social media options plus not being online as much in the evening cramped by blogging :)

A new friend brought to my attention that I have been lacking in providing "great stuff" which was all "fantastic".  So, I am getting updated and going to make an effort to start blogging again.  I enjoyed it and if others enjoy reading it - I need to do it.  So, feel free to keep me on track and remind me if I get lacking again.

I'll have to go through my summer photos and see what I need to share.  The image at the top of my Blog is from Summer 2012.  A fabulous opportunity I should have shared in that we watched and photographed baby green heron at a lake in a very populated area of Dayton, Ohio.  They were fascinating to watch and very cooperative in being photographed.  I didn't make it back this year to see if there was a new family.

A collage print of the Green Heron babies.
I hope to get back in the habit and blog something a few times a month,  I am always up to something so there will be plenty to chat about.  Thank you BM for the gentle positive nudge in getting me back online.