Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Springtime in Ohio

It has been a warmer than usual April in Ohio. 
We have had beautiful, warmish weather to encourage the flowers to bloom, spring to come to life, and temperatures that persuade one to walk outdoors to enjoy it all.
Sunday we walked a trail along the Greenville Creek. 
Not much rain lately, so a nice calm view made for a peaceful scenic walk.

Lots of spring flowers.  Mostly whites, blues, and purples. 
Of course, the hearty dandelion is in full bloom as well.

These adorable beauties remind me of small versions of what we call Johnny Jump Ups. 
So tiny and precious.

This large rock (longer than this angle makes it look)
beckons one to settle upon it for an afternoon snooze.

One of my favorites - the violet.

All kinds of pretties in full bloom.

A little button of a mushroom growing off a log.

At the other end of the same log this moss is sprouting.  Looks like a little grassy village.
Thanks for letting me share and thank you for reading.
I have been WAY lax in sharing my musings.  I was recently asked to do a little writing for someone and it got me questioning why I'm not writing and sharing on my own. 
Things get busy and life gets in the way.
So, I am working on taking time again to stop and smell the flowers, photograph the creek and fungus, and take time to share with my friends.
Take care everyone and take time to enjoy the spring moments.